I wore your clothes today.
I wore your clothes today…. I needed to be close to you somehow. I am really missing you and feel so lost and alone. I have been trying to do experiments with the kids… trying to keep that learning love alive… I want them to be more and achieve more and love learning….our frozen bubbles failed but our water globes were pretty cool. I am trying!
These days are hard. Working back where it holds so many memories I can almost see you running in the hall, or dancing in the gym. We spent so much of life there and made so many memories . I know East was really difficult for me and the HS took some adjusting but I actually spent all your elementary years with you. It really is crazy how this life turned out. I was proud of you… you finally were doing what should have been done years ago and you were working to be everything Jayden deserved.
I am still struggling with the fact that you were taken from us. It just is NOT fair. I love you and I miss you.